What's the Secret to Keeping Carpets Smelling Fresh?

We use enzyme detergent when providing carpet cleaning services in Lawrenceville, Pittstown, Flemington, NJ and the surrounding areas

Enzyme detergents react with biological substances to eliminate stains better than conventional carpet cleaners. Kleen & Fresh Company sprays enzyme detergent on carpets to remove dirt, stains and pet odors. We offer eco-friendly carpet cleaning services in Lawrenceville, Pittstown & Flemington, NJ because we use biodegradable products.

In addition to using enzyme detergent, our team will...

  • spray heat activated enzyme detergent to remove stains 
  • use a carpet scrubber to adgetate the carpet fiber 
  • use a high capacity vacuum to remove the soil and water from your carpets 

It is similar to washing your clothes in a washing machine. Learn more about our process here

Don't replace your worn-out furniture just yet

Don't replace your worn-out furniture just yet

With your family staying home more often, does your furniture look like it needs a face lift. Let us come in and make you furniture look the way it should. We can clean and refresh any type of fabric. Our upholstery cleaning services can preserve and restore your favorite furniture. Say goodbye to those wine stains and hello to a spotless couch.

Call 908-788-8814 now to get a free estimate for upholstery cleaning services in Lawrenceville, Pittstown, Flemington, NJ, and the surrounding areas.